Source code for chemopt.zmat_optimisation

import inspect
import os
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import basename, isfile, join, normpath, splitext
from time import sleep

import chemcoord as cc
import numpy as np
import sympy
from chemcoord.xyz_functions import to_molden
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sympy import latex
from tabulate import tabulate

from chemopt import __version__, export
from chemopt.configuration import (conf_defaults, fixed_defaults,
from chemopt.exception import ConvergenceFinished
from chemopt.interface import molcas, molpro

[docs]@export @substitute_docstr def optimise(zmolecule, hamiltonian, basis, symbols=None, md_out=None, el_calc_dir=None, molden_out=None, etol=fixed_defaults['etol'], gtol=fixed_defaults['gtol'], max_iter=fixed_defaults['max_iter'], backend=conf_defaults['backend'], charge=fixed_defaults['charge'], title=fixed_defaults['title'], multiplicity=fixed_defaults['multiplicity'], num_procs=None, mem_per_proc=None, start_orb=None, coord_fmt=fixed_defaults['coord_fmt'], **kwargs): """Optimize a molecule. Args: zmolecule (chemcoord.Zmat): hamiltonian (str): {hamiltonian} basis (str): {basis} symbols (list): A list of tuples. Each tuple consists of a sympy symbolic expression and a starting value. An example is: ``[(r, 1.1), (alpha, 120)]``. Has exactly the same format as the multi-parameter substitution in sympy. el_calc_dir (str): Specify the input filename for electronic calculations. If it is None, the filename of the calling python script is used (With the suffix ``.inp`` instead of ``.py``) and the files for the electronic calculations will reside in their own directory. md_out (str): {md_out} molden_out (str): {molden_out} backend (str): {backend} charge (int): {charge} title (str): {title} multiplicity (int): {multiplicity} etol (float): {etol} gtol (float): {gtol} max_iter (int): {max_iter} num_procs (int): {num_procs} mem_per_proc (str): {mem_per_proc} start_orb (str): {start_orb} coord_fmt (str): {coord_fmt} Returns: list: A list of dictionaries. The last one is the optimised structure. The keys of each dictionary depend on the used optimisation. In any case each dictionary has at least two keys: * 'energy': The energy in Hartree. * 'structure': The Zmatrix. If ``symbols`` was ``None`` a generic optimisation was performed and the following keys are available: * 'grad_energy': The energy gradient ('grad_energy') in internal coordinates. The units are Hartree / Angstrom for bonds and Hartree / radians for angles and dihedrals. If ``symbols`` was not ``None`` an optimisation with reduced degrees of freedom was performed and the following keys are available: * 'symbols': A list of tuples containing the symbol and its value. """ files = _get_default_filepaths(md_out, molden_out, el_calc_dir) for filepath in files: rename_existing(filepath) md_out, molden_out, el_calc_dir = files if num_procs is None: num_procs = conf_defaults['num_procs'] if mem_per_proc is None: mem_per_proc = conf_defaults['mem_per_proc'] t1 = if symbols is None: header = _get_generic_optimise_header( zmolecule=zmolecule, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_time=t1, title=title, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, coord_fmt=coord_fmt) with open(md_out, 'w') as f: f.write(header) calculated, convergence = _zmat_generic_optimise( zmolecule=zmolecule, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_orb=start_orb, **kwargs) else: header = _get_symb_optimise_header( zmolecule=zmolecule, symbols=symbols, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_time=t1, title=title, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, coord_fmt=coord_fmt) with open(md_out, 'w') as f: f.write(header) calculated, convergence = _zmat_symb_optimise( zmolecule=zmolecule, symbols=symbols, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_orb=start_orb, **kwargs) to_molden( [x['structure'].get_cartesian() for x in calculated], buf=molden_out) t2 = if symbols is None: with open(md_out, 'a') as f: footer = _get_generic_footer( opt_zmat=calculated[-1]['structure'], start_time=t1, end_time=t2, molden_out=molden_out, successful=convergence.successful, n_iter=len(calculated), coord_fmt=coord_fmt) f.write(footer) else: with open(md_out, 'a') as f: footer = _get_symbolic_footer( symbols=calculated[-1]['symbols'], opt_zmat=calculated[-1]['structure'], start_time=t1, end_time=t2, molden_out=molden_out, successful=convergence.successful, n_iter=len(calculated), coord_fmt=coord_fmt) f.write(footer) return calculated
def _zmat_generic_optimise( zmolecule, el_calc_dir, md_out, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): def _get_C_rad(zmolecule): C_rad = zmolecule.loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']].values.T C_rad[[1, 2], :] = np.radians(C_rad[[1, 2], :]) return C_rad.flatten(order='F') if backend == 'molcas': V, grad_V = _get_generic_opt_V_molcas( zmolecule=zmolecule, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_orb=start_orb, **kwargs) elif backend == 'molpro': V, grad_V = _get_generic_opt_V_molpro( zmolecule=zmolecule, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) try: opt = minimize(V, x0=_get_C_rad(zmolecule), jac=grad_V, method='BFGS', options={'gtol': 1e-10}) except ConvergenceFinished as e: convergence = e else: if opt.success: convergence = ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) else: convergence = ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) calculated = grad_V(get_calculated=True) return calculated, convergence def _zmat_symb_optimise( zmolecule, symbols, el_calc_dir, md_out, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): if backend == 'molcas': V, grad_V = _get_symbolic_opt_V_molcas( zmolecule=zmolecule, symbols=symbols, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_orb=start_orb, **kwargs) elif backend == 'molpro': V, grad_V = _get_symbolic_opt_V_molpro( zmolecule=zmolecule, symbols=symbols, el_calc_dir=el_calc_dir, md_out=md_out, backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, start_orb=start_orb, **kwargs) try: opt = minimize(V, x0=np.array([v for s, v in symbols], dtype='f8'), jac=grad_V, method='BFGS', options={'gtol': 1e-10}) except ConvergenceFinished as e: convergence = e else: if opt.success: convergence = ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) else: convergence = ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) calculated = grad_V(get_calculated=True) return calculated, convergence def _get_generic_opt_V_molcas( zmolecule, el_calc_dir, md_out, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): def get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat): C_deg = C_rad.copy().reshape((3, len(C_rad) // 3), order='F').T C_deg[:, [1, 2]] = np.rad2deg(C_deg[:, [1, 2]]) new_zm = previous_zmat.copy() new_zm.safe_loc[zmolecule.index, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = C_deg return new_zm base = splitext(basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))[0] def input_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.inp'.format(base, n)) def output_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.log'.format(base, n)) def start_orb_path(n): if hamiltonian == 'SCF' or hamiltonian == 'B3LYP': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.ScfOrb'.format(base, n)) elif hamiltonian == 'RASSCF' or hamiltonian == 'CASPT2': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.RasOrb'.format(base, n)) def V(C_rad=None, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value try: previous_zmat = calculated[-1].copy() except IndexError: new_zmat = zmolecule.copy() else: new_zmat = get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molcas.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molcas.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), start_orb=start_orb_path(len(calculated) - 1) if calculated else start_orb, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) calculated.append(new_zmat) return result['energy'] def grad_V(C_rad=None, get_calculated=False, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if get_calculated: return calculated elif C_rad is not None: try: previous_zmat = calculated[-1]['structure'].copy() except IndexError: new_zmat = zmolecule.copy() else: new_zmat = get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molcas.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molcas.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), start_orb=start_orb_path(len(calculated) - 1) if calculated else start_orb, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) energy, grad_energy_X = result['energy'], result['gradient'] grad_energy_C = _get_grad_energy_C(new_zmat, grad_energy_X) new_zmat.metadata['energy'] = energy new_zmat.metadata['grad_energy'] = grad_energy_C calculated.append({'energy': energy, 'grad_energy': grad_energy_C, 'structure': new_zmat}) with open(md_out, 'a') as f: f.write(_get_table_row(calculated, grad_energy_X)) if is_converged(calculated, grad_energy_X, etol=etol, gtol=gtol): raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) elif len(calculated) >= max_iter: raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) return grad_energy_C.flatten() else: raise ValueError return V, grad_V def _get_generic_opt_V_molpro( zmolecule, el_calc_dir, md_out, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): def get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat): C_deg = C_rad.copy().reshape((3, len(C_rad) // 3), order='F').T C_deg[:, [1, 2]] = np.rad2deg(C_deg[:, [1, 2]]) new_zm = previous_zmat.copy() new_zm.safe_loc[zmolecule.index, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = C_deg return new_zm base = splitext(basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))[0] def input_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.inp'.format(base, n)) def output_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.out'.format(base, n)) def V(C_rad=None, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value try: previous_zmat = calculated[-1].copy() except IndexError: new_zmat = zmolecule.copy() else: new_zmat = get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molpro.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molpro.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) calculated.append(new_zmat) return result['energy'] def grad_V(C_rad=None, get_calculated=False, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if get_calculated: return calculated elif C_rad is not None: try: previous_zmat = calculated[-1]['structure'].copy() except IndexError: new_zmat = zmolecule.copy() else: new_zmat = get_new_zmat(C_rad, previous_zmat) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molpro.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molpro.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) energy, grad_energy_X = result['energy'], result['gradient'] grad_energy_C = _get_grad_energy_C(new_zmat, grad_energy_X) new_zmat.metadata['energy'] = energy new_zmat.metadata['grad_energy'] = grad_energy_C calculated.append({'energy': energy, 'grad_energy': grad_energy_C, 'structure': new_zmat}) with open(md_out, 'a') as f: f.write(_get_table_row(calculated, grad_energy_X)) if is_converged(calculated, grad_energy_X, etol=etol, gtol=gtol): raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) elif len(calculated) >= max_iter: raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) return grad_energy_C.flatten() else: raise ValueError return V, grad_V def _get_symbolic_opt_V_molcas( zmolecule, symbols, el_calc_dir, md_out, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): # Because substitution has a sideeffect on self zmolecule = zmolecule.copy() value_cols = ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral'] symbolic_expressions = [s for s, v in symbols] base = splitext(basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))[0] def input_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.inp'.format(base, n)) def output_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.log'.format(base, n)) def start_orb_path(n): if hamiltonian == 'SCF' or hamiltonian == 'B3LYP': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.ScfOrb'.format(base, n)) elif hamiltonian == 'RASSCF' or hamiltonian == 'CASPT2': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.RasOrb'.format(base, n)) def V(values=None): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if hasattr(V, "counter"): V.counter += 1 else: V.counter = 0 substitutions = list(zip(symbolic_expressions, values)) new_zmat = zmolecule.subs(substitutions) if isfile(input_path(V.counter)): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molcas.parse_output(output_path(V.counter)) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molcas.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(V.counter), start_orb=start_orb_path(V.counter - 1) if V.counter else start_orb, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) return result['energy'] def grad_V(values=None, get_calculated=False, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if get_calculated: return calculated elif values is not None: substitutions = list(zip(symbolic_expressions, values)) new_zmat = zmolecule.subs(substitutions) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molcas.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molcas.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), start_orb=start_orb_path(len(calculated) - 1) if calculated else start_orb, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) energy, grad_energy_X = result['energy'], result['gradient'] grad_energy_C = _get_grad_energy_C(new_zmat, grad_energy_X) zm_values_rad = zmolecule.loc[:, value_cols].values zm_values_rad[:, [1, 2]] = sympy.rad(zm_values_rad[:, [1, 2]]) energy_symb = np.sum(zm_values_rad * grad_energy_C) grad_energy_symb = sympy.Matrix([ energy_symb.diff(arg) for arg in symbolic_expressions]) grad_energy_symb = np.array(grad_energy_symb.subs(substitutions)) grad_energy_symb = grad_energy_symb.astype('f8').flatten() new_zmat.metadata['energy'] = energy new_zmat.metadata['symbols'] = substitutions calculated.append({'energy': energy, 'structure': new_zmat, 'symbols': substitutions}) with open(md_out, 'a') as f: f.write(_get_table_row(calculated, grad_energy_symb)) if is_converged(calculated, etol=etol): raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) elif len(calculated) >= max_iter: raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) return grad_energy_symb else: raise ValueError return V, grad_V def _get_symbolic_opt_V_molpro( zmolecule, symbols, el_calc_dir, md_out, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, num_procs, mem_per_proc, start_orb, **kwargs): # Because substitution has a sideeffect on self zmolecule = zmolecule.copy() value_cols = ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral'] symbolic_expressions = [s for s, v in symbols] base = splitext(basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))[0] def input_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.inp'.format(base, n)) def output_path(n): return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.log'.format(base, n)) def start_orb_path(n): if hamiltonian == 'SCF' or hamiltonian == 'B3LYP': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.ScfOrb'.format(base, n)) elif hamiltonian == 'RASSCF' or hamiltonian == 'CASPT2': return join(el_calc_dir, '{}_{:03d}.RasOrb'.format(base, n)) def V(values=None): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if hasattr(V, "counter"): V.counter += 1 else: V.counter = 0 substitutions = list(zip(symbolic_expressions, values)) new_zmat = zmolecule.subs(substitutions) if isfile(input_path(V.counter)): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molpro.parse_output(output_path(V.counter)) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molpro.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(V.counter), start_orb=start_orb_path(V.counter - 1) if V.counter else start_orb, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) return result['energy'] def grad_V(values=None, get_calculated=False, calculated=[]): # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value if get_calculated: return calculated elif values is not None: substitutions = list(zip(symbolic_expressions, values)) new_zmat = zmolecule.subs(substitutions) if isfile(input_path(len(calculated))): result = {} while len(result.keys()) < 3: try: result = molpro.parse_output(output_path(len(calculated))) except FileNotFoundError: pass sleep(0.5) else: result = molpro.calculate( molecule=new_zmat, forces=True, el_calc_input=input_path(len(calculated)), hamiltonian=hamiltonian, basis=basis, charge=charge, title=title, multiplicity=multiplicity, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc, **kwargs) energy, grad_energy_X = result['energy'], result['gradient'] grad_energy_C = _get_grad_energy_C(new_zmat, grad_energy_X) zm_values_rad = zmolecule.loc[:, value_cols].values zm_values_rad[:, [1, 2]] = sympy.rad(zm_values_rad[:, [1, 2]]) energy_symb = np.sum(zm_values_rad * grad_energy_C) grad_energy_symb = sympy.Matrix([ energy_symb.diff(arg) for arg in symbolic_expressions]) grad_energy_symb = np.array(grad_energy_symb.subs(substitutions)) grad_energy_symb = grad_energy_symb.astype('f8').flatten() new_zmat.metadata['energy'] = energy new_zmat.metadata['symbols'] = substitutions calculated.append({'energy': energy, 'structure': new_zmat, 'symbols': substitutions}) with open(md_out, 'a') as f: f.write(_get_table_row(calculated, grad_energy_symb)) if is_converged(calculated, etol=etol): raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=True) elif len(calculated) >= max_iter: raise ConvergenceFinished(successful=False) return grad_energy_symb else: raise ValueError return V, grad_V def _get_grad_energy_C(zmat, grad_energy_X): grad_X = zmat.get_grad_cartesian(as_function=False, drop_auto_dummies=True) grad_V_C = np.sum(grad_energy_X.T[:, :, None, None] * grad_X, axis=(0, 1)) for i in range(min(3, grad_V_C.shape[0])): grad_V_C[i, i:] = 0. return grad_V_C def _get_generic_optimise_header( zmolecule, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, start_time, num_procs, mem_per_proc, coord_fmt): get_header = """\ # This is ChemOpt {version} optimising a molecule in internal coordinates. Written by Oskar Weser ( ## Input File ```python {input_file} ``` ## Settings for the calculations {calculation_setup} ## Starting structures ### Starting structure as Zmatrix {zmat} ### Starting structure in cartesian coordinates {cartesian} ## Iterations Starting {start_time} {table_header} """.format settings_table = _get_settings_table( backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity, basis=basis, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc,) input_filepath = basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]) # Yes I know: One should not use readlines. # BUT: The Input file won't be large! with open(input_filepath, 'r') as f: input_file = ''.join(f.readlines()) header = get_header( version=__version__, input_file=input_file, zmat=_get_geometry_markdown(zmolecule, coord_fmt=coord_fmt), cartesian=_get_geometry_markdown( zmolecule.get_cartesian(), coord_fmt=coord_fmt), calculation_setup=settings_table, start_time=_get_time_isostr(start_time), table_header=_get_table_header_generic_opt()) return header def _get_symb_optimise_header( zmolecule, symbols, backend, hamiltonian, basis, charge, title, multiplicity, etol, gtol, max_iter, start_time, num_procs, mem_per_proc, coord_fmt): get_header = """\ # This is ChemOpt {version} optimising a molecule in internal coordinates. Written by Oskar Weser ( ## Input File ```python {input_file} ``` ## Settings for the calculations {calculation_setup} ## Starting structures ### Starting structure as Zmatrix {zmat} ### Symbols with starting values {symbols} ## Iterations Starting {start_time} {table_header} """.format settings_table = _get_settings_table( backend=backend, hamiltonian=hamiltonian, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity, basis=basis, etol=etol, gtol=gtol, max_iter=max_iter, num_procs=num_procs, mem_per_proc=mem_per_proc) input_filepath = basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]) # Yes I know: One should not use readlines. # BUT: The Input file won't be large! with open(input_filepath, 'r') as f: input_file = ''.join(f.readlines()) header = get_header( version=__version__, input_file=input_file, zmat=_get_geometry_markdown(zmolecule, coord_fmt=coord_fmt), calculation_setup=settings_table, symbols=_get_symbol_table(symbols, header=['Symbol', 'Start Value']), start_time=_get_time_isostr(start_time), table_header=_get_table_header_symb_opt()) return header def _get_symbol_table(symbols, header): latex_table = [('${}$'.format(latex(symb)), v) for symb, v in symbols] return tabulate(latex_table, tablefmt='pipe', headers=header) def _get_settings_table(backend, hamiltonian, charge, multiplicity, basis, etol, gtol, num_procs, mem_per_proc, max_iter): data = [['Hamiltonian', hamiltonian], ['Basis', basis], ['Charge', charge], ['Spin multiplicity', multiplicity], ['Convergence energy', etol], ['Convergence gradient', gtol], ['Maximum of iterations', max_iter], ['Number of processes', num_procs], ['Memory per process', mem_per_proc] ] return tabulate(data, tablefmt='pipe', headers=['Backend', backend]) def _get_geometry_markdown(molecule, coord_fmt=fixed_defaults['coord_fmt']): def formatter(x): try: return '{{:{}}}'.format(coord_fmt).format(x) except (TypeError, AttributeError, ValueError): return x latex_symb = molecule._sympy_formatter() if isinstance(molecule, cc.Cartesian): to_be_printed = latex_symb._frame.loc[:, ['atom', 'x', 'y', 'z']] for col in ['x', 'y', 'z']: to_be_printed[col] = to_be_printed[col].apply(formatter) elif isinstance(molecule, cc.Zmat): columns = ['atom', 'b', 'bond', 'a', 'angle', 'd', 'dihedral'] latex_symb = latex_symb._abs_ref_formatter(format_as='latex') to_be_printed = latex_symb._frame.loc[:, columns] for col in ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']: to_be_printed[col] = to_be_printed[col].apply(formatter) return tabulate(to_be_printed, tablefmt='pipe', headers='keys', stralign='right') def _get_table_header_generic_opt(): get_row = '|{:>4.4}|{:^16.16}|{:^16.16}|{:^31.31}|'.format header = (get_row('n', r'$E [E_h]$', r'$\Delta E [E_h]$', r'$\max(|\nabla_X E |) [E_h$/Å]') + '\n' + get_row(3 * '-' + ':', 15 * '-' + ':', 15 * '-' + ':', 30 * '-' + ':')) return header def _get_table_header_symb_opt(): get_row = '|{:>4.4}|{:^16.16}|{:^16.16}|{:^31.31}|'.format header = (get_row('n', r'$E [E_h]$', r'$\Delta E [E_h]$', r'$\max(|\nabla E |) [E_h$/Å]') + '\n' + get_row(3 * '-' + ':', 15 * '-' + ':', 15 * '-' + ':', 30 * '-' + ':')) return header def _get_table_row(calculated, grad_energy): n = len(calculated) energy = calculated[-1]['energy'] if n == 1: delta = 0. else: delta = calculated[-1]['energy'] - calculated[-2]['energy'] # table header was: # n, energy, Delta energy, max(abs(grad_energy_X)) get_str = '|{:>4}|{:16.10f}|{:16.10f}|{:31.10f}|\n'.format return get_str(n, energy, delta, abs(grad_energy).max()) def _get_generic_footer(opt_zmat, start_time, end_time, molden_out, successful, n_iter, coord_fmt): get_output = """\ ## Optimised Structures ### Optimised structure as Zmatrix {zmat} ### Optimised structure in cartesian coordinates {cartesian} ## Closing Structures were written to {molden}. The calculation finished {successfully} after {n_iter} iterations at: {end_time} and needed: {delta_time}. """.format output = get_output( zmat=_get_geometry_markdown(opt_zmat, coord_fmt=coord_fmt), cartesian=_get_geometry_markdown( opt_zmat.get_cartesian(), coord_fmt=coord_fmt), molden=molden_out, end_time=_get_time_isostr(end_time), successfully='successfully' if successful else 'with errors', n_iter=n_iter, delta_time=str(end_time - start_time).split('.')[0]) return output def _get_symbolic_footer(symbols, opt_zmat, start_time, end_time, molden_out, successful, n_iter, coord_fmt): get_output = """\ ## Optimised Structures ### Symbols with end values {symbols_end_values} ### Optimised structure as Zmatrix {zmat} ### Optimised structure in cartesian coordinates {cartesian} ## Closing Structures were written to {molden}. The calculation finished {successfully} after {n_iter} iterations at: {end_time} and needed: {delta_time}. """.format symbol_table = _get_symbol_table(symbols, header=['Symbol', 'End Value']) output = get_output( symbols_end_values=symbol_table, zmat=_get_geometry_markdown(opt_zmat, coord_fmt=coord_fmt), cartesian=_get_geometry_markdown( opt_zmat.get_cartesian(), coord_fmt=coord_fmt), molden=molden_out, end_time=_get_time_isostr(end_time), successfully='successfully' if successful else 'with errors', n_iter=n_iter, delta_time=str(end_time - start_time).split('.')[0]) return output def _get_time_isostr(time): return time.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() def rename_existing(filepath): if os.path.exists(filepath): to_be_moved = normpath(filepath).split(os.path.sep)[0] get_path = (to_be_moved + '_{}').format found, end = False, 1 while not found: if not os.path.exists(get_path(end)): found = True os.rename(to_be_moved, get_path(end)) else: end += 1 @substitute_docstr def is_converged(calculated, grad_energy_X=None, etol=fixed_defaults['etol'], gtol=fixed_defaults['gtol']): """Returns if an optimization is converged. Args: energies (list): List of energies in hartree. grad_energy_X (numpy.ndarray): Gradient in cartesian coordinates in Hartree / Angstrom. etol (float): {etol} gtol (float): {gtol} Returns: bool: """ if len(calculated) in {0, 1, 2}: return False else: delta_energy = calculated[-1]['energy'] - calculated[-2]['energy'] if grad_energy_X is None: return abs(delta_energy) < etol else: return abs(delta_energy) < etol and abs(grad_energy_X).max() < gtol def _get_default_filepaths(md_out, molden_out, el_calc_dir): if __name__ == '__main__': if md_out is None: raise ValueError('md_out has to be provided when executing ' 'from an interactive session.') if molden_out is None: raise ValueError('molden_out has to be provided when executing ' 'from an interactive session.') if el_calc_dir is None: raise ValueError('el_calc_dir has to be provided when executing ' 'from an interactive session.') else: base = splitext(basename(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))[0] if md_out is None: md_out = '{}.md'.format(base) if molden_out is None: molden_out = '{}.molden'.format(base) if el_calc_dir is None: el_calc_dir = '{}_el_calcs'.format(base) return md_out, molden_out, el_calc_dir