
chemopt.interface.generic.calculate(molecule, hamiltonian, basis, el_calc_input=None, backend=None, charge=0, forces=False, title='', multiplicity=1, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the energy of a molecule.

  • molecule (chemcoord.Cartesian or chemcoord.Zmat or str) – If it is a string, it has to be a valid xyz-file.
  • hamiltonian (str) – The hamiltonian to use for calculating the electronic energy. The allowed values are {‘B3LYP’, ‘RASSCF’, ‘SCF’, ‘CCSD’, ‘CCSD(T)’, ‘MP2’, ‘CASPT2’}.
  • basis (str) – The basis set to use for calculating the electronic energy.
  • el_calc_input (str) – Specify the input filename for electronic calculations. If it is None, the filename of the calling python script is used (With the suffix .inp instead of .py). The output will be os.path.splitext(inputfile)[0] + '.inp'.
  • backend (str) – Specify which QM program suite shoud be used. Allowed values are {‘molpro’, ‘molcas’}, the default is ‘molcas’.
  • charge (int) – The overall charge of the molecule. The default is 0.
  • forces (bool) – Specify if energy gradients should be calculated. The default is False.
  • title (str) – The title to be printed in input and output.
  • multiplicity (int) – The spin multiplicity. The default is 1.

A dictionary with at least the keys 'structure' and 'energy' which contains the energy in Hartree. If forces were calculated, the key 'gradient' contains the gradient in Hartree / Angstrom.

Return type:
